On the Grill

Beef Tagliata with Chargrilled Vegetables

Beef Tagliata with Chargrilled Vegetables


  • 300g Rib Eye Steak
  • 1 Small Courgette
  • 1 Small Yellow Pepper
  • 1 Small Red Pepper
  • 8 Asparagus Spears
  • 50g Parmesan, shaved
  • 20g Rocket
  • 50g Pesto
  • 30ml Balsamic Vinegar
  • 30ml Olive Oil
  • Salt and ground Black Pepper


  1. Fit the grill plates and preheat on ‘HIGH’.
  2. Bend the asparagus spears until they snap and throw the woody end away. Blanch for 30 seconds in hot salted water then refresh in ice cold water.
  3. Cut the peppers into 3cm strips and remove the seeds. Slice the courgette into thin ribbons.
  4. Rub the vegetables with olive oil and grill for 4 minutes with the lid lowered. The vegetables may need to be cooked in a couple of batches. Once ready set aside.
  5. Rub the meat with olive oil and season. Place on the grill and lower the lid. Cook for 8 minutes (or less depending on your preference).
  6. Arrange the vegetables on plates and top with the rocket leaves and shaved parmesan.
  7. Slice the beef very thinly and arrange on the salad.
  8. Serve each plate with a drizzle of pesto, balsamic vinegar and olive oil.