Salads & Sides

Christmas Stuffing

Christmas Stuffing


Looking for the perfect Christmas stuffing recipe? Our simple recipe can be ready in approximately 15 minutes and creates a delicious stuffing, which would be the perfect accompaniment for your festive turkey. It can even be made in advance, saving you time on Christmas Day!


  • 400g chicken breast, diced
  • 100g chicken liver
  • 200g smoked pork belly, cubed
  • 200g button mushrooms, quartered
  • 50g breadcrumbs
  • 1 red onion, diced
  • 10 sage leaves
  • 1 egg
  • 100g roasted hazelnuts
  • 150g cooked chestnuts
  • 150g butternut squash, diced
  • 50ml Armagnac
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper


  1. Place the breadcrumbs, pork belly, mushrooms, red onion and sage into the large bowl of the Easy Prep Pro and blend together. Pour into a bowl and set aside in a cool place.
  2. Using the Easy Prep Pro again, blend together the chicken breast and chicken livers, to create a paste. Add this to the bowl with the breadcrumb mix.
  3. Add the egg, Armagnac and season to taste before mixing everything together, until fully combined.
  4. Then gently stir in the chestnuts, butternut squash and hazelnuts.
  5. Stuff your festive poultry bird with the mix and cook accordingly.

Tip: Oven cook at 180˚C. Cooking time is approximately 30 minutes per 500g of stuffed poultry. This means 3 hours cooking time for a 3kg stuffed bird (serving about 10)