
Steamed Raspberry Jam Puddings

6 puddings

Steamed Raspberry Jam Puddings

6 puddings

Steamed Raspberry Jam Puddings are the perfect comfort food for those who like a sweet and indulgent treat after a meal. There's no need to bake these puddings - just give them a steam and you're left with a delicious dessert.


  • 120g self raising flour
  • ½ tsp.baking powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • 120g unsalted butter, at room temperature, plus extra for greasing
  • 120g golden caster sugar
  • 2 medium free range eggs, lightly beaten
  • 150g raspberry jam


  1. Grease 6 individual pudding moulds.
  2. Sift the self raising flour with the baking powder and salt.
  3. Beat the butter in a bowl, until pale and creamy. Add the sugar and continue beating until light and fluffy. Add the beaten eggs, followed by the sifted dry ingredients and mix until incorporated, taking care not to over beat.
  4. Place 2 teaspoons of raspberry jam in the bottom of each mould.
  5. Spoon the pudding mixture onto the jam, dividing the mixture evenly. Carefully level off the mixture on the top of each pudding.
  6. Cut 6 squares of aluminium foil, large enough to fit over the moulds, whilst allowing some room for expansion. Fold a pleat in the middle of each square and place on the puddings. Gently bring the sides in to fit around the outside of the moulds.
  7. Steam the puddings for 30 minutes.
  8. Once the time is up, carefully remove the puddings and remove the foil.
  9. Turn the puddings out onto the individual serving plates and serve.